
Below are resources that you can use or share in your community to help build confidence in how elections work in the U.S.

Election integrity toolkit and slides

The toolkit is designed to help you communicate directly with voters and to equip your own trusted messengers with clear information and resources to share credible information about the built-in processes for election verification before, during, and after a vote is cast.

Images for social media

Images for social media

State-specific fact sheets and infographics

Here’s how elections work in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to make sure that your vote is kept safe and secure and is counted with integrity.





North Carolina




VoteWise Chatbot

Available on WhatsApp, Telegram, and Meta Messenger, use the VoteWise Chatbot to fact check information you see online, in your social media feeds, or hear in your community about U.S. elections. This tool is free and will help you find nonpartisan, credible information about elections.

Help stop political violence

A guide with tips to help keep your community safe (available as a pamphlet and handout)

Download, print, and fold into a
pocket pamphlet.

Download and print.